Name: Diego Douglas d'AULIGNAC
Date of Birth: 11th April 1974
Place of Birth: Barcelona, Spain
Nationality: British
Email: daulignac at
2012 - now Simulation Engineer at BASF Ludwigshafen.
2006 - 2011 R&D Engineer at Leica Microsystems GmbH. Development of applications for cofocal microscopy in C# with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
2004 - 2005 R&D Engineer at Siemens S.A. Portugal. Research and development of optimization software for ethernet telecommunication networks. The solutions were implemented in JAVA in the Eclipse IDE and using ClearCase on WindowsXP platforms.
2003 - 2004 Researcher at Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal. Research and development of finite element models of biomechanical structures using the ABAQUS software package and Fortran on Linux and Irix platforms.
1998 - 2002 Researcher at Institut National de Informatique et Automatisme (INRIA), France. Research and development of medical simulators in C++ on UNIX and Windows platforms with haptic interfaces. Supervision of student projects.
2001 Doctorate IVR, INP Grenoble, France, Thesis: Modeling interaction with deformable bodies in real-time for medical simulators under the supervision of C. Laugier. Grade: très honorable. Scholarship from the French ministry of research and education.
1997 Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (University of Essex), Specialisation in Graphics, Computer Vision, and Robotics. Project:Vision-based interface for the control of virtual robots.
1996 B.Eng. Electronic Systems Engineering (University of Essex), upper second class, Specialisation in Software Engineering, Real-time Computing, Computer Networks, and Neural Networks. Final year project:Evolving neural networks player for virtual table-tennis.
1992 US High School Diploma (Riviera, TX), under exchange program.
D. d'Aulignac, J.A.C. Martins, E.B. Pires, T. Mascarenhas, and R.M. Natal Jorge.A Shell Finite Element Model of the Pelvic Floor Muscles. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2005 Oct;8(5):339-47.
D. d'Aulignac, C. Laugier, J. Troccaz, and S. Vieira.Towards a Realistic Echographic Simulator. Medical Image Analysis Journal, 2006 Feb;10(1):71-81.
D. d'Aulignac.Modélisation de l'interaction avec objets déformables en temps-réel pour des simulateurs médicaux. PhD Thesis (in english), Institut National Polytechnique Grenoble, December 2001.